Statement of Intent
At Brampton Ellis Primary we acknowledge that our children live in a continually changing digital world and that we need to equip them with the skills and understanding to respond to this. Our computing curriculum is designed to allow children to explore a variety of technologies to develop their skills, from foundation stage as part of the provision, and from years one up to the end of year six as part of the curriculum. The curriculum ensures that children can progress their skills within and between year groups. The school is beginning its journey with Teach Computing in 2024-25 in order to give children access to further tools and experiences to give them real world computing skills and to develop their use of computing vocabulary. Where appropriate, computing may be linked to curriculum topics, as well as being used to support other curriculum areas. Children are able to use a range of lap tops and iPads for a variety of experiences, from research and recording their learning, to exploring the school grounds with a digital compass and tracking their progress in P.E.
We are also keen to give children the computing skills that will positively impact their future lives and have carefully broken-down basic computing skills, such as using keyboard and mouse functions efficiently, for children to learn and build upon throughout the years.
At Brampton Ellis Primary School, we feel strongly that children should continue to develop their knowledge of internet safety throughout their time here, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. This also connects with the ethos of the school, where children are expected to be respectful and responsible. The intention of the curriculum is that children continually develop their skills to be able to be respectful, responsible and safe internet users, both inside and outside of school. As such, internet safety is taught regularly, both within Teach Computing and in addition to this, covering content from the Education for a Connected World framework through use of Project Evolve resources. This ranges from keeping personal information safe, cyber bullying and the use of social media. We aim to participate in the national Safer Internet day each year and also provide a half-termly internet safety newsletter in order to support parents with keepings their children safe online.
We have established a group of students who are digital leaders, who share student thoughts on internet safety, help with conducting projects in school, for example coding clubs, and guide other students as required.