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Christian Teachings

Our Vision


We will aspire to great things, shine our light and reach our God given potential.


We remember this through The Bible verse:

‘let your light shine.’ (Matthew 5:16)


We want our children to recognise the value of their own light: to be proud of their achievements to value and respect themselves; and to know how loved they are by both God and by others.


At our school we strive to ensure that all children are able to achieve their very best by taking full advantage of the education opportunities that are available to them. We hope to do this by ensuring high levels of attendance and punctuality and creating an ethos in which good attendance is valued by both school and parents/carers. When children attend school regularly, they are more likely to succeed as well as learning social skills, giving them the opportunity to engage positively with their peers and building strong friendships.


Our Values



We follow the command of 1 Peter 2:17 and “Show proper respect to everyone”, noting that the word translated ‘respect’ here (Gk: timÄ“sate) is rooted in the way we value or consider one another – and is basically about how we see each other and treat each other with compassion. “Be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.” (Luke 6:36 nb. Translation)  At Brampton Ellis such compassion has to look beyond the confines of the school and community and also look towards global concerns.



​Springing from Christ’s inspiration in Matthew 22:35-40, we begin by ensuring children know how valued they are, and that they are able to value themselves. A grounded self-awareness is the starting point for our children in this regard, and is evident in how they take responsibility for their own learning journey. We translate that value into responsibility towards, themselves, others and Gods creation.



Jesus taught that the road to life can sometimes be the narrower and tougher path (“the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it” Matthew 7:14). We encourage our children to face challenge, anchored by a spirit of faith and hope – “a hope that is an anchor for the soul” (Heb 6:19).

At Brampton Ellis we teach the need to develop resilience, with hopeful and faithful expectation, in which children develop a positive outlook towards all learning challenges on their journey towards reaching their potential as learners and as people with a focus on exceptional effort being what we should all expect of ourselves.


Our Aims


  • To live within a Christ inspired culture of respect and responsibility

  • To follow Christ’s example of love, inspiring and exercising compassion

  • To inspire the hope and horizons of our children.

  • To feel valued, be proud of who they are and have a sense of belonging.

  • For every parent and carer to be partners in our school, where we are all learners.


SIAMS Inspection Report

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England. 

Brampton Ellis SIAMS Inspection Report

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