School Priorities 2024-25
The Quality of Education
Embed the teaching of reading practice
Develop KS2 reading scheme to promote Reading for Pleasure
Develop the place of poetry within the English curriculum
To develop an oracy framework to improve the quality of talk and impact writing outcomes
To determine a whole school approach to the use of SPaG terminology in writing
Develop opportunities for Writing for Pleasure
Develop a progression of vocabulary over the wider curriculum
Implement revised curriculum
Wider Curriculum:
To improve the teaching and learning for computing across school
To embed Get Set for PE
To create a PSHE scheme to fit the context of school
To ensure effective implementation of support plans
Children to receive effective SEND support through early identification of need
Behaviour and Attitudes
Embed use of behaviour RUBRICs to set clear expectations of pupils and staff
Increase accountability for implementation of the Relationship and Behaviour Policy and RUBRICs
To ensure all children have high attendance and are punctual each day through clearly established routines
Personal Development
To promote a sense of belonging and teamwork through the development of school houses
To develop aspirations through knowledge of different career opportunities
Further develop the role of the inclusion team to provide high quality pastoral support
Leadership and Management
New Headteacher to have a good understanding of the school’s curriculum
To establish and promote our Christian vision at all levels
Leaders to develop clear roles and responsibilities and hold people to account
To provide effective CPD and develop future leaders through the use of the NPQ programs
Forge effective links with feeder school to align procedures and enhance transition
Embed an ethos that focuses on wellbeing and good mental health.
Early Years Provision
Physical environments are improved and purposeful.
F1 phonics supports speech, language and early reading.
Vocabulary and print leads to high quality interactions.