Wrap Around Care

The Lime Trees
Breakfast, After school & Holiday Clubs
We are delighted to announce that the Lime Trees will be working in partnership with Brampton 'The Ellis' Primary from September 2024 providing After School Club & Holiday Club for pupils from F1 up to Year 6.
The Lime Trees
The Lime Trees story is rooted in helping and supporting each family. We aim to deliver a service that we, as parents, would be proud to use. Putting parents and families first, we realise that the flexibility of childcare is essential for meeting the needs of a modern family life. We allow parents to manage the care of their children around their schedule, and not the other way around.
We provide a flexible service where you can book the sessions that work best for you. Our online booking system is located on our website. https://thelimetrees.co.uk/. You will need to register your child/children before you can make a booking. For more information on how to register, book your place, make a payment, and general FAQ's please visit the website where you can also find our parent guide to download.
We are open 7.30am – 8:50am for Breakfast Club.
Price - £5.75
We are open 15:00 – 18:00 for After School Club.
Price- £9.50
We are open 7:30- 18:00 for Holiday Club
Price- £31.50
Parents will also be able to use childcare vouchers and the Governments Tax-Free Childcare scheme.
How to find us ​
Breakfast club will be held in the School hall as usual and the after school club and Holiday club will be held in the Brampton Cortonwood Children's Centre/ Family hub.
Keep in touch & stay up to date
If you have any immediate questions, please refer to out website or 'Parent Guide' Alternatively you can contact us on 0115 9313 562
or email Hello@thelimetrees.co.uk.