PE & Outdoor Learning
At Brampton Ellis Primary School, our aim is that all pupils enjoy and take part in a wide range of engaging sporting and physical activities. Our aim is that children understand the importance of exercise and being healthy. This will encourage them to respect their bodies and embed a responsible attitude towards leading healthy and active lives beyond their time at BEP. Our aim is for children to develop a sense of fair play and a sporting attitude, learning to respect officials, the opposition and fellow teammates and to develop resilience when we don’t first succeed.
Curricular PE
Every class at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is timetabled to receive 2 sessions of high-quality PE teaching every week.
The PE Curriculum is mapped to ensure that there is a broad coverage of sports and skills.
Teachers teach 2/3 of PE lessons throughout the year and school employs a PE specialist teacher to teach the remaining 1/3.
NQTs teach PE alongside our JMAT Sport Specialist in order to develop their own subject knowledge and skills.
Staff use the Val Sabin PE scheme to deliver the majority of their PE lessons in order to support them with subject knowledge and ensures progression of skills.
Staff CPD is supported through the delivery of relevant in-school training and signposting staff to appropriate PE courses.
Lessons are adapted to cater for the needs of all children through STEP …
As well as 2 sessions of curriculum PE a week, children are encouraged to be active throughout the day by the inclusion of “Active breaks” during lessons, whether this be a 10-minute run or an online aerobic activity. School have bought into an online resource called IMoves to support this.
The profile of PE and physical activity is high in the school. This is achieved by celebrating sporting successes on the PE noticeboard, on the school website, on Class Dojo and in whole school assemblies.
Playtimes and Extra-Curricular PE
School Sport Premium money is used to employ a Sports Specialist for coordinating “Active Playtime”. This includes running sport specific activities at lunchtime.
The playground is split into zones (skipping, garden games, basketball and Playground Leader zone) of different physical activities to encourage active play.
Year 5 Playground leaders are trained and timetabled to deliver activities every lunchtime.
Some School Sport Premium money is used to buy in the services of a JMAT Sports Specialist who runs an extensive competitions calendar across the year.
The children have the opportunity to represent the school in numerous clubs and competitions and pupil participation rates are monitored.
Our approach at Brampton Ellis Primary School means that, at the end of their time with us, our pupils have had a positive and enjoyable experience of physical education. This then serves as a foundation on which to build in the future, developing into active, healthy young adults.
Outdoor Learning
At Brampton Ellis Primary, we understand that outdoor learning not only benefits the children’s physical health, but also promotes mental wellbeing. Here are some examples of our children’s outdoor learning.

Andrew McLeavy
Physical Development Team Leader

Jenny Krzebietka
Physical Development Member

Abby Rhodes-Bramall
Physical Development Member

Dan Bennett
Sports Specialist