Religious Education
At Brampton Ellis Primary School we believe that children should be given opportunity to develop their spiritual, moral and cultural beliefs. We aim to engage and inspire children, enabling them to grow their knowledge, skills and ability to answer challenging questions. Whilst, Christianity is at the heart of our religious education curriculum, we also study other world religions. Collective Worship is a key part of school life where global issues and current events are studied alongside key Christian figures and festivals. We follow the program Understanding Christianity and also Rotherham SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).
We have close links with our local church – Christ Church Brampton Beirlow, where classes visit weekly. We also visit church for other events such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter and end of year events.
Parents and children are also invited to attend church events such as Messy church. All information can be found on the church website and also their Facebook page:
Church Website:
Church Facebook Page:
CW Rachel Parker: