House Martins

Hannah Leach

Sarah Jones
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to House Martin Class
Housemartin Class is made up of children from Cortonwood Infants and the Brampton Ellis Key Stage 1 building. We create a strong class team who help each other to learn, stay safe and be happy. We work hard to show Respect, Resilience and Responsibility throughout school to all children and adults. Our class is fun and hardworking. We support each other to feel safe enough to make mistakes and take risks in our learning as that is how we will become resilient learners.
Our indoor PE session is on Tuesday and outdoor PE lesson is on Friday. Children will be expected to change at school for PE, so please ensure children bring their kit on PE days or bring it on a Monday to leave in school all week.
You will need to bring a water bottle and your reading book every day.
Any queries or problems, please contact
Hannah Leach