
Maaria Khan

Jenny Krzebietka

Justine Evans
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Kestrels Class!
Kestrel class is one of three year 5 classes at Brampton Ellis Primary School. Our teacher is Mr McLeavy and on Mondays the class will be taught by our very experienced Higher-Level Teaching Assistant, Mrs Krzebietka. From Monday to Thursday, the class is also supported by the wonderful teaching assistant, Mrs Evans.
Continuing the theme, which runs throughout school, our classroom ethos is Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We promote being kind and polite to both children and adults in the class, being responsible and continuing to try our best, even when things are challenging.
Our outdoor PE session is on a Wednesday and our indoor PE session is on Thursday.
Throughout the autumn term, the topic is about the Industrial Era and our class novel is ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone’ by J.K. Rowling.
During the spring term, the topic is the Mayans and our class novel is ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’ by Christopher Edge, linked to our science topic on the Earth and space.
The final topic in the summer term is Yorkshire City and Coast and our class novel is ‘Room 13’ by Robert Swindells.
Regular information about our learning will be posted on our Class Dojo page, please contact Mr McLeavy if you need help to access this.
If you need to contact Mr McLeavy at any point, his email address is