
Jordan Doherty

Liz Walling
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Eagles Class!
Eagles class is one of three year 6 classes at Brampton Ellis Primary School. The teacher is Miss Doherty and we are also well supported by our inclusion champion Ms Law. Our lovely classroom is situated in the main building and our learning environment aims to highlight the amazing achievements made by all of the children throughout the year. We are a happy, friendly class who are proud of working together to achieve our best work.
Continuing the theme, which runs throughout school, our classroom ethos is Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Through these values, we aim to maintain a happy and supportive learning environment, in which everyone’s opinions and ideas are valued and where an enthusiasm for learning is shared. We promote being kind and polite to both children and adults in the class and around school, being responsible and continuing to try our best, especially when things are challenging.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children should bring their PE Kit to school so that they can change for PE and ensure they have warm clothing for days when we are outside.
We also have a huge emphasis on the benefits and joy of reading. Children are reminded to read as much as possible and bring their reading records in to be checked every day.
Throughout the autumn term, the topic is about the environment and the impacts of pollution, with focuses on the U.K. and the Philippines. Linking with this topic, the class novel will be ‘Trash’ by Andy Mulligan.
During the spring term, the topic is World War 2 and our class novel is ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll.
The final topic in the summer term is ‘World Cities’ and will later focus in on Egypt. The class novel will be ‘The Red Pyramid.’
I hope you will join us in encouraging your child to work hard, take pride in their work and develop a sense of independence. You can help us achieve this by supporting your child with their home learning and independent reading.
Any queries, please contact
Jordan Doherty jdoherty@be.jmat.org.uk